Definition of Blog

I am currently working on a text about Blogs in education. Blogs, that means to me Microblogging like twitter and, Tumlelogs/Mesoblogs like tumblr and posterous and “traditional” Weblogs like a WordPress Blog or S9y Blogs.
I would like to have a definition for this group of tools and I hope you agree that all of them are Blogs.
So my suggested definition would be:

A Blog is as system which aims to log Information on the web in a reverse chronological order. These logged Information have a Permalink and a timestamp.

My first question is if you have additions, comments or other good examples (maybe with a reference) to help me define what a blog is.
My second question is how one could seperate “the traditional” Weblog format (like a wordpress Blog) from the term Blog. Is Blog just summing up the different Blog formats? What would you do?

PS: Ihr dürft auch gerne auf deutsch antworten…

8 Kommentare zu “Definition of Blog

  1. Ralf Appelt

    Just grabbed from after a hint of Martin.

    Today the most important and visible field of these new possibilities are weblogs, shortly called blogs. The definition or description of weblogs cannot be explained within one sentence, but a majority of researchers would at least agree that a weblog is “a frequently updated website consisting of data entries arranged in reverse chronological order” (Schmidt et al, 2005) (Walker, 2007). This statement sounds neither very new nor very modern. But there are some important facts behind these words:

    • “Frequently updated” means not only that the website itself is updated but also the “readers” of the weblog can easily follow the details of the updates. With the help of RSS (Really Simply Syndication) information can be consumed just in time. RSS is an XML based data format that carries the content of a website in a strictly standardised format that is similar to content organisation of a weblog (Nagler et al, 2007). RSS allows users to subscribe to a website and to receive new content using their favourite application (e.g., RSS Readers integrated in major Web browsers). RSS differs from email in that the users themselves decide from where they receive information. Users are monitoring the data in a user centred way.
    • “Website” means online: One of the success factors of Web 2.0 technologies is accessibility. Today broadband access to the internet is provided in all developed countries and is affordable for nearly everybody. Accessing the Internet, especially for university students, is easy. On the campus Internet access is free, for the wider area special prices and availability allow affordable access. The times where broadband Internet access was limited to few university students are history.
    • “Data entries” means user centred content: Weblogs are mainly authored by individuals, called webloggers (or bloggers) and sometimes of groups. It can safely be assumed that content is written almost exclusively by persons with no knowledge in web programming and HTML. Hence a critical factor of Web 2.0 applications is ease of use. Improving the usability was the precondition that a vast majority of bloggers are able to write personal and subjective content on the World Wide Web (Du Helen & Wagner, 2006).
    • “Reverse chronological order” means collecting and sharing data in diary form: The newest contributions or posts are always displayed on top and are relatively small stand-alone entries. The real power of these short articles is the possibility to create hyperlinks to other articles or websites. Digital collections of small pieces of content instead of confusing endless lists of hyperlinks without comments seem to be a great advantage for users. Another significant advantage is that weblogs are searchable.

    Original printed in: Proceeding of World Conference on Educational Media, Hypermedia and Telecommunications
    (ED-Media), 2008, p. 5618-5625
    A Blog Sphere for Higher Education
    Martin Ebner & Behnam Taraghi
    Computing and Information Services / Social Learning
    Graz University of Technology
    Behnam Taraghi

    Still did not answer my question, but I wanted to share this with you.

  2. Was ist ein Blog? Gute Frage, denn ich glaube es kommt entscheidend darauf an aus welcher Richtung in welche Richtung man eine Definition versucht. Aus dem Blick der Anwendung können sich hierbei andere Perspektiven geben, als sie technisch quasi minimalistisch erschlossen werden können. Von dem gesehen wäre der definitionsansatz, den Du bietest eine Sichtweise von vielen. Ich finde den Ansatz in Deiner Quote deswegen charmant, da er versucht genau zwei Perspektiven aus unterschiedlichen Genres einzunehmen: A die Deskription aus dem Anwendungsfeld. Und B in der Weiterführung die Deskription der dahinter liegenden technischen. Was sicherlich reizvoll wäre: Die Begriffsbestimmung aus der Perspektive der beigemessenen Bedeutung aktiver und passionierter Blogger. Daraus einen Definitionsversuch zu starten klänge dann ganz anders. Sorry, kann sein, dass das nicht unbedingt mehr klärt. Auf der technischen Ebene halte ich grundlegend RSS-Technology als Distribution und Syndikationsprinzip, sowie Trackback-Mechanismen als zumindest erwähnenswert.

  3. Deine karge Definition könnte auch ne Web 1.0 Seite sein … Was ist mit dem Charakteristikum many-to-many-communication?

    • Ich wollte es zunächst ganz technisch betrachten. Ob Many-to-Many oder Only-Me entscheidet ja eigentlich der betreiber. Ich will damit sagen es könnte ja durchaus auch geschlossen betrieben werden.

      • ja, wenn es nur aus technischer Sicht definiert sein soll, dann braucht’s das nicht.
        Aber ein Blog Only-Me zu nutzen, ist wie wenn man mit dem Tourenrucksack nicht auf Trekking geht, sondern zuhause seine Schuhsammlung drin verwahrt – geht natürlich auch 😉

  4. […] (Abgerufen: 12. Mai 2011, 12:19 UTC) [↩]Definition of Blog[↩]Bildquelle: better taste than sorry [↩]Michael Chen bei flickr sharing [↩]Ben […]

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