Schlagwort: cloud

Microlearning 2008

Thanks to Twemes and Martin Ebners Twitter Messages I get at least a Impression of what is going on at the Microlearning Conference 2008 in Innsbruck/Austria.
E.g. Judy Breck [Blog 1, Blog 2] with her Keynote about the Cloud in Education she states that:

Delivering the cloud to individual students is the key mobile role for education.

The node junction between web assets is the most important component of online learning.

That sounds a lot like George Siemens idea of Connectivism to me.

In her Keynote she presents a

3 Step Plan to complete before 2012

  1. No more pencils – mobile and connectivity to all school age kids
  2. No textbooks – schools use open educational resources online
  3. No more searching gobbledygook – educators and mobilists focus on learning content

Martin Ebners presentation titled “Has the end of chalkboard come? A survey about the limits of Interactive Pen Displays in Higher Education” could be a nice base for evaluating interactive whiteboards within our ePush Project.

That’s it so far. For me it is nice to get these impressions. Thanks a lot to the contributers!