What is ePedagogy?

Owen Kelly, Alexander Tscheulin and me set up 7 first questions to get closer to the answer about “What is ePedagogy?”

1. Definitions: what do we mean by epedagogy?
2. Background: what is the philosophical background to epedagogy?
3. History: what is the cultural and educational history of epedagogy?
4. Current work: what approaches are there to epedgagogy?
5. Tools: what online collaborative tools can we use for epedagogy?
6. Strategies: how can we teach using epedagogical approaches?
7. Assessment: what issues are involved in assessing work in a manner that harmonises with epedagogy approaches?

We agreed already to put some subquestions to this and I will try to write down my ideas in this blog.
Question 5. Tools: what online collaborative tools can we use for epedagogy? for instance could be answered by splitting up into
a) What Kind of LMS do you know.
b) What kind of social Software do you know.
Both, a and b should be devided in Open Source/Free vs. commercial Software.
If you (want to) know more visit ePedagogy.org, contribute your knowledge and see what others wrote there. Or post your suggestions diectly into this blog…

1 Kommentar zu “What is ePedagogy?

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