Schlagwort: blogging

EduCamp Graz


In den letzten Tagen war ich auf dem EduCamp in Graz. Wie es sich für ein BarCamp gehört habe ich versucht mich nicht nur in die Sessions der anderen einzubringen, sondern auch wenigstens eine eigene Session anzubieten. Ein Thema welches mich schon seit längerem beschäftigt ist das Thema Seminarblogs. Der folgende Beitrag soll ein kurzes Feedback zur Veranstaltung im Ganzen sein und meine Session zu Seminarblogs kurz zusammenfassen.

Feedback zum EduCamp Graz

Was mir am EduCamp in Graz besonders gefallen hat Weiterlesen

Video about ePortfolios (and PLE’s?)

In Helen Barretts Blog I found this nice video about ePortfolios. It was created by Sònia Guilana.
Helen wrote:

This 3-minute video was created by Sònia Guilana, to explain eportfolios to her high school students (12-18) in Catalonia, Spain. Great images! Nice, simple explanation.

I’m just asking myself if this video could’nt also be used to explain what a ple can offer to learners.

Twitter and Blogs in Seminars – my (beta)Concept

microblogging-educationNext semester I am going to host a Seminar which will try to make use of Blogs and Twitter. I’ll try to communicate a lot with the students using these tools. We will talk about pedagogical media theory and the way these tools could be used for learning.


My idea is that the students write short notes, exchange links and share ideas using the microblogging service. Reflections, media enhanced texts and structred ideas and findings should be collected within the blogs.
I would state that the mobile options and the factor that microblogging messages are cut down to 140 characters will make it easier and hopefully more fun to post also seminar related content. Later on the tweets could be used to make blogposts out of them, so there is some own material available before starting to write a blogpost.
I am not yet sure how, if and if yes where to aggregate all the content but are interested in suggestions. I made good experiences with keeping one blog as the aggregating central for all students blogs, but how about the tweets?
I would be happy if I can add a story about collaboration after the seminar, especially because I am sure that at least some of my seminar participants won’t meet in the seminar room because they’re from abroad.
The challange will be to connect the students and let them research/create the content of the seminar so that they can see wether these tools are a benefit for them or not. I would be happy if we could develop scenarios in which one or both of these tools might be meanimgful in educational contexts. But maybe the students don’t see a use for these tools in education, that would be ok too.


Inspired by a tweet of @trebors I decided to create the suhh group at tweetworks for this seminar.
I collectet some Links for the students concerning our topic at which is handed to them as a kind of preparation. If you’re interested in more of my links at delicious concerning twitter and blogging in educational contexts this is the right link for you.

Next steps

If there will be feedback from people who have worked with twitter in seminars already who can offer helpful hints they will influence my concept. Otherwise I will at least create/set up something to collect the blog entrys and prepare some tasks which will bring life into the students blogs and twitteraccounts, so that they will not only talk about blogging and microblogging in education but also “feel” those tools in the educational context.
Posting some feedback could be your next step 😉

Pedagogical Media Theory – Blogging and its possible relation to education

Description for my Seminar in Summer 2009:


Since Blogs are an easy way to publish information to the web the use of them is still increasing, even in educational settings. The question for this seminar is how could blogging and microblogging be used efficently for teachers and learners. What are traps and what are benefits in using those technologies for learning processes? What kind of understanding of the relation between teacher and student are common and meaningful if social software is used in education? We will deal with different learning theories and how they adapt to blogging. You will also try blogging and microblogging during the seminar to discover relevant aspects for judging about the relevance and to take didactical aspects in account for future learning arrangements.

Links for this Seminar will be bookmarked at delicious with the tag: seminarappeltsose2009

This Course will take place between Apr. 7th 2009 and Jul. 14th 10:00 – 12:00 h (cet).