The first step is done. This is a translation of a blogentry I made in my german language blog. It is about my first exam on my way becoming pedagogue. The exam was about social software and how it can support on-the job training. It was based on constructivism. Some sources are listed below, even a lot of them are in german llangauage.
- Podcasting in educational context at medianpedagogy at Uni Augsburg Issue 3 Topic: informal learning (de)
- YouTube: Interview with Heinz von Foerster (de)
- Learning at school (de)
- David W. Livingstone: Informal learning in in knowledgesociety (de) (S. 65 ff.)
- Stefan Mosel: Diploma: self steered learning, Weblogs und constructivism (de)
- Jay Cross: Informal Learning – the other 80%
- Review of Jochen Robes on „Online-Communities – chances for informal learning at work (de).“ Von ZINKE, Gert/ FOGOLIN, Angela (Hrsg.) and „Informal learning and advanced training. New ways of competence development.“ Von WITTWER, Wolfgang/ KIRCHHOF, Steffen (Hrsg.)
- Michael Kerres Blog (de|en)
- Jochen Robes Weiterbildungsblog (de)
- Ameln, Frank von; Konstruktivismus, A. Franke Verlag, Tübingen und Basel, 2004
- Marin Röll “Corporate E-Learning with Weblogs and RSS” in Handbuch E-Learning
You can find more sources in my links.
Very neat. I put it in my straight away. Now I am going to read some more things here 🙂