Kategorie: Uni

eLearning – Concept for a Seminar

I am giving my first Seminar at the University of Hamburg this Semester. It is a lot of fun working with interested and motivated students and it is a lot of work to arrange a seminar for those students.
I decided not to use one of the established plattform which are supposed to support seminars here in Hamburg.

Reasons to work with a Blog and Wiki in Seminars

I decided that i’d like to try to work with a weblog-wiki-combination for my seminar as I am always praying telling in my workshops. Weiterlesen

International Seminar at the ZKM

Between 3rd and 6th international Seminar we had our fifth international Seminar for ePedagogy Design. This time it was held in the ZKM in Karlsruhe. One of our Focuses was the YOU_ser Exhibition.
I liked the FLICK_KA which is obviously related to the Photosharing Service Flickr. There were also some “usual” Seminar Program. Our dutch Fellows had some presentations about what they’re teaching at the Inholland University what was quite interesting, but too sad that we can’t take some of these Courses. Especially the course from Lynda Deutz seemed to be very interesting.
Further on some of the Weiterlesen

ePedagogy, learning and Second Life : a course

Thats the Title of Owen Kellys next Course for the ePedagogy MA Program.

The course will be entirely online, and will involve chats in Skype; inworld explorations in Second Life (and hopefully Active Worlds by way of comparison); and course timetables, project plans, documentation and discussion on Airset.

The course will start on Feb. 5th and even thoug I am not that great Fan of Second Life I have to recommend this course to you, because Owen always offers interesting and relevant content.

Working with eLearning Tools

The eLearning Guild asked members for their favorite tips for using software for the creation of e-Learning. Members could submit tips in any or all of the following five categories:

  • Courseware authoring and e-Learning development tools
  • Rapid e-Learning tools
  • Simulation tools
  • Media tools
  • Combining and deploying authoring tools

162 Tips and Tricks for Working with e-Learning Tools is a free PDF-Book. Go download it and discover a lot of nice ideas. In my opinion we need also a Tips for eLearning with social software Resource.

Students 2.0

For decades, students have been stuck in classrooms, behind desks, being told how and what to learn. For a time, when students were expected to become widgets for the vast machine of industry, this model of education was highly effective. However, we have now entered a new age: an age where thinking is more important than knowing, where thoughts out-do the facts. Borders are melting away; project teams collaborate across the globe and intelligence is being continually redefined. The world’s information is at our fingertips and anybody can publish their thoughts for virtually no cost.

This sounds familar to me. The Text is taken from the About Page of the Students 2.0 Project. Made by Students who may be will make History…

How to work with RSS

Explaining RSS is as difficualt as explaining what a wiki can do. I still know a lot of people who’re still working without RSS. Another CommonCraft Video shows how and why one could work with RSS, but see yourself.