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Work less, achieve more

Working in ePedagogy contexts often means to work online. David Krug put together a list about 5 Ways to Work Less and Get More Done Online. In his opinion the five key points are:

  • Restrict your work hours to increase efficiency.
  • Create a map for your day.
  • Schedule times to check email.
  • Relax and don’t try to force yourself to work harder.
  • Cut yourself some slack.

To get some more information about these aspects go directly to 901am.
Via BloggingPro

Support of informal learning in adult education by social software

The first step is done. This is a translation of a blogentry I made in my german language blog. It is about my first exam on my way becoming pedagogue. The exam was about social software and how it can support on-the job training. It was based on constructivism. Some sources are listed below, even a lot of them are in german llangauage.

You can find more sources in my links.

Blog interaction

Tony is asking in his Blog how peaople are interacting with blogs.
I like this question and I also like to answer. I hope his blog will receive my trackback.
Now his questions:

  1. Do you only read the RSS feed?
  2. Do you ever click to the blog post itself (as opposed to the links it provides – which would be on another blog)? If so, why did you click?
  3. Do you ever leave comments?
  4. Do you ever read comments? If so, how did you find them?
  1. Yes, usually I only read the RSS-Feed.
  2. If I want to write a comment or if I expect more of the post than delivered via RSS.
  3. Yes, usually I leave comments. If someones articles might be interesting for my readers to or if I want to leave more than a comment I write an article and try to send a trackback.
  4. I read only comments if they offer more Information or opinions relatet to topics which seem to be very interesting for me

Dear guests, what about your interaction habits concerning blogs? Would you prefer to get only teasers via RSS?

What is ePedagogy?

Owen Kelly, Alexander Tscheulin and me set up 7 first questions to get closer to the answer about “What is ePedagogy?”

1. Definitions: what do we mean by epedagogy?
2. Background: what is the philosophical background to epedagogy?
3. History: what is the cultural and educational history of epedagogy?
4. Current work: what approaches are there to epedgagogy?
5. Tools: what online collaborative tools can we use for epedagogy?
6. Strategies: how can we teach using epedagogical approaches?
7. Assessment: what issues are involved in assessing work in a manner that harmonises with epedagogy approaches?

We agreed already to put some subquestions to this and I will try to write down my ideas in this blog.
Question 5. Tools: what online collaborative tools can we use for epedagogy? for instance could be answered by splitting up into
a) What Kind of LMS do you know.
b) What kind of social Software do you know.
Both, a and b should be devided in Open Source/Free vs. commercial Software.
If you (want to) know more visit, contribute your knowledge and see what others wrote there. Or post your suggestions diectly into this blog…

Pädagogische Medientheorie am Beispiel web 2.0

Nr. 61.085
Veranstalter: Torsten Meyer, Inst. 10
Raum: Erzw 504
Zeit: Mo, 14:15 – 15:45, Beginn: 23.10., Ende: 05.02.

Kommentar: Eine Pädagogik, die ohne Mittel und Mittler auskommt – un-mittel-bar sozusagen -, ist nicht denkbar. Und eine Bildungstheorie, die das Verhältnis von Subjekt und Gesellschaft ohne Berücksichtigung medientechnologischer Bedingtheiten zu beschreiben sucht, erscheint vor diesem Hintergrund lückenhaft. Seit von “Neuen” Medien, von “eLearning”, “Wissensmanagement” usw. die Rede ist, erst recht seit eine neue Generation von “Digital Natives” (Prensky) in Schulen und Hochschulen eingezogen ist, sind (neue) Medien zu einem “prioritären Thema” der Erziehungswissenschaft geworden. Vor diesem Hintergrund widmet sich das Seminar insbesondere den Phänomenen, die zurzeit unter dem Schlagwort “web 2.0” gefasst werden. Es wird gemeinsam geforscht zur Bedeutung von “social software” für den Erwerb, die Produktion und die Verteilung von Wissen, für das Selbst-Verständnis und die Selbst- und Weltverhältnisse im “Neuen Medium?”
Voraussetzungen: Auseinandersetzung mit pädagogischen Grundfragen und mit dem World-Wide-Web. – Scheinerwerb: durch Referat und schriftliche Ausarbeitung oder Projektarbeit, z.B. Konzeption von Learning Objects.

Journal of online education

I found today an free journal which only requires registration.

Innovate is an open access, bimonthly, peer-reviewed online periodical (ISSN 1552-3233) published by the Fischler School of Education and Human Services at Nova Southeastern University. The journal focuses on the creative use of information technology (IT) to enhance educational processes in academic, commercial, and governmental settings. Our basic assumption is that innovative uses of technology in one sector can inform innovative uses of technology in each of the other sectors.

They also have a RSS-Feed.